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Yank Thou

29 Oct

100 words for Friday Fictioneers based on the photo prompt below.


Three Cheers

 (Copyright Melanie Greenwood)

Early Wednesday morning. The courtyard was empty. Queen Elise, in Tyrian purple, sat poised on her throne. Her kingdom spanned the known world and many imaginary ones but she had no staff save for some reprobate jesters and old Reverend Spooner, her herald. Another week was about to start.

The hour arrived. The courtyard filled. Reverend Spooner quieted the room and spoke to the assembled throng.

“On this, the second anniversary of her coronation, please join me in offering a heartfelt three chairs for our queer old Dean!”

Elise sighed, then smiled. At least Russell hadn’t called her that yet.



Queen Elise and Reverend SpoonerQueen Elise and the Reverend Spooner

Doug and the Golden Turd

9 Nov

The photo prompt for this week’s Friday Fictioneers left me so cold that whenever I tried to write something I completely froze. When Spring comes and the ice on that window melts perhaps there will be some movement. I talked to a good friend about the issue and what follows is a transcript of the discussion we had about a possible title, but it’s as far as I got this week. Maybe I just need some more fiber in my mental diet. Not sure why I made you all privy to this.  In any event, here I sit, broken hearted…

The link to all the stories can be found here. If you’re still working on yours I hope it comes out all right. Aloha, D.


“I can’t believe you.”


“It’s a ridiculous title.”

“It’s a grand title.”

“The photo’s of an ice coated window…”

“A Rorschach analog intended to reveal our personality characteristics and emotional functioning. I’m not biting.”

“But there’s no turd in the picture”

“What’s that gold apparition on the left?”

“A reflection of a light fixture!”

“How do you know? It could be anything. You’re being far too literal. If everyone thought like you, proctologists would be called astronauts and hemorrhoids would be called…”



“It still stinks.”

“It’s a thing of beauty.”

“I think you should flush it.”

Thanks to Rochelle for her helpful and hilarious illustration. (I think:)